The Founding Line
"Women forget how much we can inspire one another.
No one understands us like us."
â™›Big Sister Quintessence
I am Blaque. Most would describe me as versatile. I am the epitome of knowledge because I enjoy knowing everything .. What I don't know I strive to find out.
I am not quiet generally but I am a loner by nature so I do slip off sometimes to find solitude with myself. I am the most loquacious person you can find if you get the honor of my company. I am also very active so do not be surprised if you turn around and I am there. I like to be on the move.
My family is most important to me and the sisterhood that we build. I am childish in spirit but firm and protective when necessary. I am the foundation of our sorority, the strength of my family, and the person I want and strive to be. I am Big Sister Quintessence.
House Mom
â™› Big Sister Pneuma
I’m Khaleesi, Delta house mom. My sorority name is Pneuma and it means soul, creative, and spirt. I believe in family and sisterhood. I have a vital spirt and I try help in anyway possible. I try to inspire other people to be the best they can be. With that being said, I’m here to help you with anything you need and I am dedicated to the sisterhood.